Art. 2300-AX
Below are some standard combinations of complete small welding and cutting outfits and cylinder trolleys. All items are available individually or in any other combination. The outfits are supplied without cylinders. You will find the suitable cylinders for rent from your gas supplier.
- Art. 2400-X
PROFIFLAM – the lightand easy to carry weldingoutfit, including carrying
frame, for monnting a light steel cylinder of both oxygen and acetylene
with diameter 100mm, two minipressure regulators, two flame arrestors,
hoses, torch handle, weldinghead no 2, weldinggoggles, gas lighter. Kit ready assembled without cylinders.
- Art. 2100-X
Complete portable weldingand cutting outfit, including carrying frame with
strapsand belt for mounting a light steel cylinder of both oxygen and
acetylene with diameter 100mm, two minipressure regulators, two flame
arrestors, complete light welding and cutting equipment in metalbox,
hoses, weldinggogglesand gas lighter.Kit ready assembled without cylinders.
- Art. 2300-AX
Complete portableand mobile weldingand cutting outfit, sameas Art.
2100, but with a four-wheel cylinder trolley and for light steel cylinders
with 140 mm diameter. Kit ready assembled without cylinders.