Art. 3644-M
Our standard version covers a welding range up to 30 mm and a cutting range up to 100 mm. The torches guarantee high durability, solid construction and easy handling. The equipment is available as complete sets or as individual parts and, with the additionally available special accessories, covers practically all forms of welding, cutting, soldering and heating.
Download files
- Art. 3601
Standard handle in forged brass, with aluminium grip. This handle
accommodates all welding, cutting and heating heads listed
below (spigot diameter 16 mm)
- Art. 3610 to Art. 3618
Welding head no 1 0,5 – 1 mm Art. 3611
Welding head no 2 1 – 2 mm Art. 3612
Welding head no 3 2 – 4 mm Art. 3613
Welding head no 4 4 – 6 mm Art. 3614
Welding head no 5 6 – 9 mm Art. 3615
Welding head no 6 9 – 14 mm Art. 3616
Welding head no 7 14 – 20 mm Art. 3617
Welding head no 8 20 – 30 mm Art. 3618
Standard welding torch complete with 8 interchangeable welding heads
(including Art. 3601, 3611 – 3618) Art. 3600
Additionally available for very thin material:
Welding head no 0 0,2 – 0,5 mm Art. 3610
- Art. 3619 to Art. 3622
The following welding and heating heads guarantee a very high heat
output and are especially suitable for the efficient heating of thicker
Welding and heating head no 9 Art. 3619
Welding and heating head no 10 Art. 3620
Welding and heating head no 12 Art. 3622
- Art. 4401
Cutting attachment with lockable oxygen lever
- Art. 4402
Roller guide
- Art. 4403
Circle cutting attachment with adjustable point for circle cuts
from 80 up to 800 mm diameter
- Art. 4420-A
Set of monoblock cutting nozzles, conical seat, including
Art. 4421-A (3 – 20 mm), 4422-A (20 – 50 mm),
4423-A (50 – 100 mm) Art. 4420-A
Standard cutting torch complete
(including Art. 4401-A, 4402, 4403 and 4420-A) Art. 4400-A
The cutting torch is also available in a propane version with a set of twopiece propane nozzles Art. 4420-P, including Art. 4421-P (3 – 20 mm),
4422-P (20 – 50 mm), 4423-P (50 – 100 mm) Art. 4400-P
- Art. 4425 Art. 4450 Art. 4451
Possible additions to the standard cutting attachment:
Sheet metal cutting nozzle 2 – 5 mm (acetylene only) Art. 4425
Gouging nozzle (acetylene only) Art. 4450
Rivet cutting nozzle (acetylene only) Art. 4451
- Art. 3644-M
Complete welding and cutting set in metal box (including Art. 3601,
3611 – 3618, 4400-A, with nozzle cleaners and key) Art. 3644-M
Metal box only Art. 3680
Also available: complete set in metal box to mount on walls
or on cylinder trolleys Art. 3644-W
Metal box only Art. 3685
The complete welding and cutting sets are also available with
a 3-tube cutting attachment - nozzle mix type (cutting range
10 – 100 mm) Art. 3643-M
In metal box to mount on walls or on
cylinder trolleys Art. 3643-W
- Art. 3650
Complete welding and cutting set with pressure regulators (same
set as Art. 3644 but with the addition of oxygen pressure regulator
Art. 5100-O, acetylene pressure regulator Art. 5100-A, gas lighter and
welding goggles) Art. 3650
Metal box only Art. 3690
- Art. 7536
Complete welding and cutting outfit in metal box Art. 7536
consisting of:
Metal box in blue painted sheet steel 69 x 47 x 24 cm, Art. 7531
Oxygen pressure regulator, Art. 5100-O
Acetylene pressure regulator, Art. 5100-A
Oxygen flame arrestor, Art. 1500-O
Acetylene flame arrestor, Art. 1500-A
Complete standard welding torch, Art. 3600
Complete standard cutting torch, Art. 4400-A
10 m each of welding hose, inner diameter 8 mm, red and blue, Art. 1008
including hose clips, double clips and gas lighter
(on request - also available with model 42 pressure regulators)
Flexible welding heads of soft copper for welding areas which are difficult
to reach (e.g. pipe work), length approx. 230 mm
Flexible welding head 1 – 2 mm Art. 3632
Flexible welding head 2 – 4 mm Art. 3633
Flexible welding head 4 – 6 mm Art. 3634
- Art. 3632 to Art. 3634
The front sections of the flexible heads are also available separately:
to Art. 3632 Art. 36402
to Art. 3633 Art. 36403
to Art. 3634 Art. 36404
- Art. 3654-A bis Art. 3660-A
Heating heads for oxy-acetylene, for preheating, flame straightening etc.,
for thermal output from 17650 kJ/h up to 141 500 kJ/h
Heating head no 4, head diameter 18 mm Art. 3654-A
Heating head no 6, head diameter 22 mm Art. 3656-A
Heating head no 8, head diameter 26 mm Art. 3658-A
Heating head no 10, head diameter 26 mm Art. 3660-A
- Art. 3654-P bis Art. 3664-P
Heating heads for oxy-propane/natural gas, for preheating, flame
straightening etc., for thermal output from 17000 kJ/h up to 163 500 kJ/h
Heating head no 4, head diameter 12,5 mm Art. 3654-P
Heating head no 6, head diameter 13,5 mm Art. 3656-P
Heating head no 8, head diameter 15,5 mm Art. 3658-P
Heating head no 10, head diameter 18,5 mm (propane only) Art. 3660-P
Heating head no 12, head diameter 23 mm (propane only) Art. 3662-P
Heating head no 14, head diameter 26 mm (propane only) Art. 3664-P
- Art. 3692 bis Art. 3694
Heating head for propane-oxygen with pointed flame for concentrated
isolated heating up of workpiece
Heating head for propane-oxygen with pointed flame no 2 Art. 3692
Heating head for propane-oxygen with pointed flame no 3 Art. 3693
Heating head for propane-oxygen with pointed flame no 4 Art. 3694